Monday 22 March 2010

Right tomorrow we need to sort our lives out!

EVERYONE bring in shirts/trousers/fabric/ties/scarves/belts ANYTHING that you think could be relevant for our styling. Then tomorrow we're going to play around with the clothes on Tom and a mannequin.

Can everyone come up with 5 people they want to invite from the industry as well so that we can put the list together tomorrow and start sending the invites via email.

We want to pin down the hair, make up, music and models if we can tomorrow too.

We're meeting at 10am in the room next to our studio...theres A LOT we need to do.


1 comment:

  1. Guys i feel sooo bad that i've haven't been in! I have no money and i'm friggin stranded in my house :@ I will definately be in tommorow (wednesday) as i've blagged some money from my dad! Sorry again, i'll make it up to everyone PROMISE, samira. Is there like anything i can do from home? xxx
