Hey Guys!
Right sketched up some ideas for outfits. Alex's are the first one's for the middle section, these outfits will consist of dark, dull colours, blacks etc, using rope, netting, scrim, trousers jackets, shirts and belt. The last 3 are mine (Katie) using white, beige, brown and tan colours along with skirts, rope, trousers, jackets, belts, bags and bed sheets which we can rip up to create the looks.
We went to Southgate today and looked through Charity shops, we found some decent stuff that we could use, things ranging between £5/£15 per item! I know it's expensive but between us it won't cost much, maybe between £5/£10 each!...
Today we bought 3 shirts and a bed sheet from Asda as we didn't want to go ahead and buy clothing from the shops with out everyone else consulting!
Let us know what you think!
Alex & Katie

Drawing are well good! Like the styling. I'll chip in my £5 tommorow (wednesday) samira xx