Okay! so....since we had our little meeting today with the tutors I tried to take in as much of what they were saying as i could, one of those things was to research the people that live in Jordan and their style of clothing. I looked and looked and found some more "up-to-date" pictures of the style that they usually wear. Most of it is clothing wrapped around the body in layers, they do this in order to protect themselves from the harsh heat and also as protection from sandstorms. Also in Jordan they are highly religious and prefer to cover themselves from head to toe as a way of preserving their sexualities!
Lots of baggy layers and musty colours!! Dark heavy eyeliner and face paint.....get the picture!!
Casual desert wear.....
Baggy shirt/ hoody scarf thingy (lol) baggy trousers...

I like the desert idea alot, but i also like the photo that holly posted (with the feather lady). Maybe instead of choosing one or the other we combine them. We can style each model differently, almost as if we want to convey a story ... "the myth of the temple and its people"....all about the culture!